Lady and the Tramp is a Disney movie released in 1955, a box office success. The film tells the story of an American Cocker Spaniel female named Lady who lives with a refined middle-upper class family and a male stray called Tramp; when the two dogs meet, they embark on many romantic adventures and fall in love.
The Tramp’s look was inspired by a stray dog that the Disney artists rescued from the pound. The film is told entirely from a dog’s point of view and for that reason human faces are rarely shown, with most of the time only their feet being seen. In general, Stray Dogs are loving, playful and loyal companions. They tend to be very loyal to their guardians, showing love at all times. American Cocker Spaniels are full of energy and love to do physical activities, even though it is a small dog, the ideal is that this pet has an environment with enough space to play and run, they also love to go for walks with the guardian, which also helps to avoid overweight problems. This dog is very docile and loves to be close to the guardians. They are very loving and sensitive.